Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Good morning fellow boaters and happy Thanksgiving.
There is much to be thankful for at the Davis household the neighbors old boat that uses up a parking stall in front of the house. The newly painted house across the street that our windows face garnished with a truck canopy against the fence. 
But now after all there really are many things I am thankful for.  Like a country that lets you pursue your dreams and a wonderful family that will fill this house later on and my wife who loves me each day.

Have a great Thanksgiving and I will see you on the South Sound.
Ed Davis


Halle Warmbier said...

Great Blog Dad! I also can see exactly what mom meant when she said the house was ugly! have a great day - Halle

boatnut said...

Thanks it's been fun writing them. It also spurs me on to do interesting things so I have something to write about.